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2022-07-12 11:37:32


1. 如何优化罕见病患者的围手术期管理:麻醉医师需要知道什么?








Editorial: Justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in obstetric and gynecological anesthesia


2. 产科和围产期种族和族裔差异

Obstetric and perinatal racial and ethnic disparities


3. 妇科诊疗可得性的种族和族裔差异

Racial and ethnic disparities in access to gynecologic care



Do racial and ethnic disparities lead to the undertreatment of pain? Are there solutions?


5. 医疗不平等的原因

Causes of health inequities


6. 产房内的英语水平不足

Limited English proficiency in the labor and delivery unit


7. LGBTQ(性少数者群体)的健康和产科和妇科手术的麻醉

LGBTQ+ health and anaesthesia for obstetric and gynaecological procedures


8. 围产期质量协作与生育公平

Perinatal quality collaboratives and birth equity



Health equity research in obstetric anesthesia


10. 医疗差异的劳动力解决方案

Workforce solutions to address health disparities





Editorial: Safe anesthesia for every child


12. 第一次尝试的安全性:新生儿气道管理的教学

Safe in the first attempt: teaching neonatal airway management


13. 欧洲新生儿和儿童麻醉督察(NECTARINE)之后:我们应该如何为新生儿提供麻醉?

After nectarine: how should we provide anesthesia for neonates?


14. 为每个儿童提供安全的手术:尼日利亚儿科麻醉培训的实施

Safe surgery for every child, implementation of paediatric anaesthesia training in Nigeria


15. 全球儿科手术和麻醉的不平等:我们如何进行全球努力?

Global pediatric surgery and anesthesia inequities: how do we have a global effort?


16. 提高儿科麻醉质量的实用方法

A pragmatic approach to quality improvement in pediatric anesthesia


17. 儿科麻醉中的窒息氧合

Apneic oxygenation in pediatric anesthesia


18. 儿童全麻期间的镇痛水平监测

Monitoring of analgesia level during general anesthesia in children




19. 处理围手术期并存疾病与优化围手术期医学教育

Addressing comorbidities in the perioperative setting and optimizing perioperative medicine education


20. 个体化多学科镇痛以预防术后持续疼痛

Individualized multidisciplinary analgesia to prevent persistent postsurgical pain


21. 内科疾病和门诊手术:基于内科疾病的患者筛选的新观点

Medical disease and ambulatory surgery, new insights in patient selection based on medical disease


22. 成人阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者的围手术期注意事项

Perioperative considerations for adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea


23. 阿片类药物滥用与围手术期管理:一种新的内科疾病

Opioid abuse and perioperative care: a new medical disease


24. 围术期神经认知障碍的风险评估:我们现在何处?

Risk assessment of perioperative neurocognitive disorders, where are we now?


25. 如何优化罕见病患者的围手术期管理:麻醉医师需要知道什么?

How to optimize the perioperative care of patients with orphan diseases: what the anesthesiologist needs to know

